今天是一个机会,通过大声疾呼,反对不公正,来实现我们的价值观. 我们致力于推动和实现真正的变革——创造一个我们都可以引以为傲的明天, 团结一致.
雅各布斯发起了一项促进正义和平等的全球行动计划, 以雅各布斯现有的全球包容性和多样性战略为基础, TogetherBeyond℠, and sets actionable initiatives and measurable objectives in the company’s continuing efforts to address embedded and systemic racial inequities and social issues.
Employees initiated the development of the action plan with a team who collaborated alongside 亚洲体育博彩平台’ Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team to outline three key sets of commitments and specific, 可衡量的行动和绩效结果:
- 强化归属感文化
- 根据业绩招聘、保留和提拔黑人员工
- 为更广泛的社会结构变革做出贡献
亚洲体育博彩平台高级副总裁,首席合规官和副总法律顾问 Taggart汉森 分享s why civility is important in open workplace discussions, 尤其是面对热点话题时.
“我们不必总是意见一致, 但我们应该始终以同情的态度对待他人, 专业精神和求知欲...营造一个在各方面都热情包容的工作环境.”
“在美国,我们努力奋斗,以确保我们的投票权超越性别, 比赛, 宗教, 是的, 甚至政治. 让我们用我们作为企业领袖的声音大声疾呼,大声疾呼.”
“让我们继续建立势头, speak up for the rights of our LGBTI+ employees and work to be the best allies we can to all those who face discrimination, 不公正和仇恨.”
“我们不能保持中立. 我们必须致力于成为反种族主义者, 活跃的盟友, 以及各种肤色同事的支持者, 身份和背景.”
“It was clear from our discussions with the Daughters of Rosie that they 分享 our vision of inclusion and diversity.”
“We have seen the benefits of a significant increase in gender diversity over the last several years and believe this next phase of our journey — delivering on the Justice and Equality action plan — is critical to our company’s success.”
“To help senior and frontline leaders initiate difficult conversations on 比赛 and discrimination with empathy, 雅各布斯开发了一个指导工具,提供了指导团队诚实地解决这些问题的材料.”
“作为一家公司,我们将专注于做好自己的工作, 然后,我们将更广泛地关注影响我们的人民和社区的其他事情.”
“Pride month is a time to remind ourselves we can’t be complacent; that we must breathe together or not at all – to celebrate who we are and what we stand for; to remember the names of just a fraction of those we lost to hatred and inexcusable violence...”
亚洲体育博彩平台 Chief Legal and Administrative Officer and PRISM Executive Sponsor 乔安妮·卡鲁索 reflects on what yesterday’s milestone U.S. 最高法院的裁决呼应了平等和包容.
“正如我们在过去几周所看到和讨论的那样, there is so much more that still needs to be done to ensure basic and fundamental civil and human rights for all.”
“现在是我们影响变革的时候了. 把修辞转化为行动. 打造国家新平台. 为所有人创造平等、包容的未来.”
“坚持正义是我们亚洲体育博彩平台文化的一部分. 这就是我们.”
“在雅各布斯,我们是一个全球社区. 自从我开始担任这个角色以来,我就说过:“我们在一起.尽管这句话在不同的时代有不同的含义, 我是认真的——我们在一起.”
“现在比以往任何时候都重要 before we must stand united against these inequalities and lay greater emphasis on calling out and eradicating all forms of discrimination where we see it.”